November is the month of being thankful and giving thanks for everyday and unique things that happen to you. At American Heritage Insurance Group, we took the time to think about why we’re thankful for insurance. While it does provide us with jobs, we wanted to look at the benefits of having insurance and how it’s made an impact in our life or other’s lives, whether we realize it or not. Read below for staff testimonials to the question “Why are You Thankful for Insurance?”
Vaughn Gabbard
“I’m thankful for life insurance, because I know my family will be taken care of after I’m gone. It’s my way of reaching out of the grave in support of my wife, children, and grandchildren. And, I’ll still be a part of their life.”
Sara Rogers
“A customer in Springfield was renting a home from an in-law. They didn’t think they needed a Tenant policy since the home was owned by family, but we were able to convince them they did need it. About 5-10 years laters, their daughter left a candle burning by an open window. The curtain caught fire while they were not home. They lost everything in the fire. If they didn’t have the Tenant policy, it would have been a hardship to replace their belongings and having to pay out of pocket for a hotel, not to mention the liability to the owner of the home for the fire damage to the dwelling they were responsible for.”
Elaynea Smith
“Well, after going through 2 sewer backups in my home which created the need (both times) for the services of a water restoration company, all new carpet and drywall replacement the second time, it is easy to be thankful for an insurance deductible in order to pay $1,000 toward the cleanup and repair versus >$5,000 for the entire job.”
Christine Sanchez
“Peace of Mind! I have not personally had to use my insurance, but my sister did when their home exploded from a gas leak and they barely made it out alive. They lost everything they had as a young couple expecting their first baby. Their insurance coverage provided them with the ability to replace things fairly quickly during a very stressful and traumatic time in their life. Instead of the process being drawn out over months they were able to replace some things right away and they helped place them in another home in the interim especially with a baby due in less than 3 months.”
Catie Adams
“For the stressful moments when everything else seems to be going wrong! When I was a sophomore in college, I was having a hard time adjusting to school, my dad just moved to St. Louis for work, and my Grandma was severely ill. I wasn’t sleeping well and a lot of things didn’t seem to be working out in my life during that time. I ended up falling asleep at the wheel on a small, two lane back road when I was coming home from night class. I LUCKILY only hit 4 mailboxes. The damage to my car and the mailboxes were all taken care of by my insurance (with some out of pocket expenses). I didn’t have to do anything except pick my car up a few weeks after the accident from the mechanic. It was extremely helpful during a stressful time.”
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