Meal planning is a great way to get your finances in order and also prevent from last minute food binges…but it can be extremely difficult to master. If you keep putting it off because of a lack of time, motivation, ideas, or even just knowing how we have some recommendations below to hopefully make things run a little smoother.
Actually Planning Your Weekly Meals
- Download our free Weekly Meal Planning Worksheet
- Brainstorm different meals. We recommend for breakfast, lunch, and snacks to aim for 1-2 different variations. Remember about leftovers as well. For dinner, sticking to easy recipes that are delicious is a great way to easily plan and cook your meals.
- Fill in the Worksheet to create your menu.
- Fill out your shopping list. Include any other items such as shampoo, soap, garbage bags, etc.
- Go to the store and immediately prep foods for the week.
Using Apps to Plan Your Meals
If paper isn’t your friend, we found a list of the top 5 meal planning apps for on the go lifestyles:
- Cook Smarts
- Pepperplate
- ZipList
- Plan to Eat
- Paprika
We would love to hear our readers tips on how they meal plan! Share below!
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