This year has been a standout year for all the wrong reasons, including its devastating natural disasters. Wildfires have ravaged the western U.S., and tropical cyclones have popped up left and right, with several causing significant damage to coastal areas. Though they are called natural disasters, the toll they take comes in part from human […]
How to Protect Your Home From Extreme Weather
Climate change can be a hot topic these days, but regardless of one’s views on the subject, scientists have taken an interest in how it might affect the intensity or possibility of future weather-related events. Natural disasters – whether predicted or not – expose the susceptibility and risks of our home and communities. According to […]
Extreme Weather, Its Effect on the Economy and You
Extreme weather is a meteorological event that falls outside the realm of normal patterns. Weather describes conditions in the Earth’s atmosphere that occur over a short period such as days. Climate describes the weather that occurs over a longer time such as decades. Climate affects weather. For example, weather in the temperate areas is more […]
Common Questions About Flood Insurance
Check out the answers to some common questions about flood insurance. Answers all come from the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA). I Don’t Have Flood Insurance – Why Do I Need It? Floods are the nation’s most common and costly natural disaster and cause millions of dollars in damage every year. Floods cost America, on […]