COVID-19 has led families to cancel travel plans, get (semi!) comfortable with homeschooling kids and deal with all kinds of other inconveniences. As if that weren’t enough, it’s also making many families take a closer look at their finances and make sometimes difficult financial decisions. Life Happens recently conducted a survey that polled more than […]
9 Important Financial Lessons Every Working Adult Should Learn
Navigating the world of personal finance can be overwhelming, even for an adult who has quite a bit of experience in the working world. With some smart planning, a good strategy and understanding of the basics you should be able to develop the money-management skills you need to get your finances under control. Here are some […]
Black Friday Strategies
Add some strategy to your ‘Black Friday’ shopping If there’s anything more satisfying than melting into the couch following a multi-course Thanksgiving dinner complete with all the fixings, it has to be shopping for the best deals of the season the day after in Cincinnati. Hitting the shops on Black Friday has become a ritual […]