Planning to propose this holiday season? Did you recently get engaged? Putting an insurance policy on your engagement ring may sound unromantic, but nothing is sweeter than peace of mind. Don’t forget to check off this task on your wedding planning to-do list—better safe than sorry. Here’s a breakdown of all the ins and outs of ring insurance. […]
Insurance for Your Engagement Ring
Insurance for Your Engagement Ring Insuring your engagement ring is a task that should be completed as soon as possible after the ring is purchased or the significant other proposes. It’s important to have insurance on your engagement ring because of the unpredictable events in life. Do I need Engagement Ring Insurance? Ring insurance is […]
Questions to Ask an Agent About Wedding Insurance
Before making the decision to buy wedding insurance from an agent, there are a few questions you should ask. By asking these questions, you will be able to determine if the agent you have contacted can truly help you with your wedding insurance needs: Are you a licensed agent in the state of [insert state […]
Question: Do I really need wedding insurance?
Answer: It Depends. Wedding insurance is one of those products where it can be justified as to why you do not need it, but it’s highly recommended especially because you truly do not know what will happen in the next year, month, day, a minute or second. Because of the unpredictable, wedding insurance is recommended […]
Reality Check: Wedding Insurance Claims
Reality Check: Wedding Insurance Claims Since many people do not understand or see a reason for wedding insurance, we wanted to provide a reality check. Travelers is one of the largest carriers to offer wedding insurance and they have recently analyzed their programs claims to provide data to those who are debating on if they […]
Why We Love Wedding Insurance
Why We Love Wedding Insurance (and You Should, Too!) Wedding Insurance. What is it exactly and do I even need it? Our guide will try to explain the ins-and-outs of wedding insurance and the reason you and your future spouse should consider purchasing it. While wedding insurance can be seen as a luxury line of […]